Designing your Hallway with Feng Shui
Hallway Chelsea Duplex residence - Marie Burgos Design
Photography: Francis Augustine
Designing your Hallway with Feng Shui!
The Hallway is the first thing you see when entering your home. Often when designing a home, the hallway is neglected. While not officially a room, there is likely more than one hallway in your home. In Feng Shui, hallways help your "Chi" energy circulate throughout your home. For these reasons, designing your hallway should take on the same importance as designing the rest of your home. Below are four tips to help you spruce up your hallway.
1. Light it Up
Many halls lack a good source of natural light. You would not want any other room in your home to appear dark and gloomy, and the hall should not be an exception. Install an overhead light that meshes well with any décor that can be seen from the hallway. Also consider hanging sconces that offer a light source. You can even add crystals or a small chandelier fixture for extra good energy. They make every ray of light sparkle! Also, if little feet will be traveling the hallway at night, you should install a night light to help them find their way.
Hallway/ Home office Murray Hill Design- Marie Burgos Design
Photography: Francis Augustine
2. Mirror Effect
Decorative mirrors are a great choice for your hallways. Since most hallways are rather narrow, hanging a mirror helps them appear a bit larger. Also, mirrors are great light enhancers as they reflect every bit of light they get and bounce it around to light up the space. When choosing a mirror for your hallway, consider scale. A large mirror is usually a good choice, especially if it is the only decoration on a particular wall. Smaller mirrors flanked by metal wall hangings, a clock or perhaps hanging candle holders, create a beautiful display. Feng Shui wise, mirrors really increase the energy of your space. Just make sure that what is reflected in them is something that inspires you and that you want more of in your life, because a mirror will double it for you.
Foyer Hallway Upper West Side NY - Marie Burgos Design
3. No Clutter!
Some people allow items to collect in the hallway rather than having them put away in their proper place. Before long, the hallway looks like a small storage unit! Keep your hallway completely free of clutter. If you have a large hallway, and opt to have furniture there, encourage family members to refrain from leaving items sitting on it. It doesn't take much clutter for a small room to look very messy. Just consider the hallway a very small room, and keep it clutter free. Also this is were the "Chi" energy circulates to nourish all your home. You want to make sure that no blockages are created to get the maximum energy flow throughout your home for support and happiness.
Hallway Design Dumbo NY- Marie Burgos Design
4. Art and Photos
There are many wonderful options for the walls in your hallway. You can use the space to display your family photos. You could, for example, have a row for each of your children and place the photographs chronologically. You will be able to watch your children "grow up" each time you walk down the hall. Another option is to create an asymmetrical display of all of your favorite photos. You could also hang a series of artwork pieces to create an interesting gallery or display art which represents your ideal life or carries your favorite colors . My advice... Just display what you absolutely love as if the hallway was your road to happiness and success...
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