Bring Luck to your office or workspace with Feng Shui!
Office Design - NY Residence - Marie Burgos Design
Bring Luck to your office or workspace with Feng Shui!
Feng Shui for the home is a great way of bringing balance and peace in your life but what about your office or home office..?
With people spending more hours at work than at home, building positive energies in the office or workspace can affect your overall attitude and health. If your job’s got you down, it may not be your work – it may be your space. Taking the time to implement a few Feng Shui guidelines to your office or workspace may make the difference between dreading your morning commute to looking forward to your career.
DEFINING YOUR GOALS: is a great way to feel uplifted and motivated to work. I find that the easiest way to formulate my goals is to use visualization. You can make a collage of the things you desire and display it in your office to give you inspiration or you can write a letter to the universe. Years ago I wrote a description of my ideal job on a piece of red paper and hanged it in the career area of my bedroom and now I am living it daily.
GETTING RID OF CLUTTER: is an essential step to apply. You see: “The problem with clutter is... it leaves no room for growth!”
Often, the clutter in your office creates confusion in your mind. It adds negative emotions such as stress, moodiness, overwhelming feelings, exhaustion. It also affects deadlines, finances, your professional image, your time as things get lost or damaged...
The best approach for De-cluttering is to define what you Need, Love or Use and put systems in place. The rest needs to go!
LOCATING YOUR DESK in the “Command Position”
This means that your desk needs to face the door and you should have a view on the overall space. Does your desk face the entrance? If not, then you may be feeling vulnerable and nervous. Try moving your desk around or adding a mirror that will allow you to see the door or entrance. Having your back towards a window can also bring on feelings of insecurity. Hang blinds or curtains to lessen this feeling.
DISPLAYING INSPIRATIONAL VISUALS such as images of people that are your mentors, heroes, even your work team if you need their support. Any images, even abstract art or landscape which represents achievement for you can work.
USING COLOR. It is very important in the art of Feng Shui. Offices and workspaces are often painted white but this color is not the most cheerful to work around. In Feng Shui we define 2 types of colors. The Yin colors promoting healing and relaxation such as black, blue, green, purple. And the yang colors essential to provide enthusiasm and the positive energy required needed to do something or be motivated. The best colors associated to career are black for business, green for money, red to give a boost to all projects. Use color in your clothing, on the walls, for accessories, even for files and folders. LIGHTING UP is essential for a happy work environment. Replace fluorescent bulbs with full spectrum bulbs. If you’re unable to do this, then try bringing in your own lighting with floor and desk lamps.
POTTING PLANTS help bring nature and air into an area. Always work with an odd number of healthy plants. 9 is the ideal number. Remember to place a plant in your prosperity area (far left side of the room from the entrance) to help grow your finances.
USING WATER at the entrance of your workspace or office promotes peace in the room. Put a small fountain or even a picture of water near your entrance to achieve this calming effect; a small fish tank is another option. But more than anything, water at the entrance supports your career as it represents a flowing river bringing in new opportunities.STAYING UP TO DATE by using recent and well maintained equipment. You want to ensure that you get all the support you need and that your work is facilitated. Also, having the right tools helps keeping you stress level down, reach your deadlines and show professionalism.
BRINGING YOUR PERSONALITY into your office. It is an essential ingredient to help you feel comfortable and raise your confidence. So display photos of people you love and that are supportive of you. Also put your stamp in by displaying items that identify you such as hobby items and memorabilia.
You now have a list of easy tips to use for your office. And the benefits are endless... You can achieve career advancement, reduce your stress, improve your focus, make more money, enhance authority and confidence... So Use Feng Shui to boost your career!
Marie Burgos