Easy Powerful Feng Shui Tips for your home
Marie Burgos Design - Tribeca Bachelor Loft Bedroom vignette
Easy Powerful Feng Shui Tips for your home
Everything is alive with chi.
Everything is connected with chi.
Everything is constantly changing.
With these feng shui principles in mind, I am going to share some basic chi enhancers for your home or office. Before you take this list and head for the Internet or local store, however, let me emphasize that you should start by making a few feng shui adjustments at a time AND only use what you genuinely love. Feng shui can be a rewarding, discovery process. If you take your time and LOVE the journey, guess which direction your energy will go? Exactly.
COLORS: Colors correspond with both the 9 guas and the 5 elements. When you look at the bagua, notice the colors listed within each section. When choosing a color to enhance a space {think: Wealth & Prosperity or Love & Marriage}, my suggestion is find a hue somewhere along your chosen color's spectrum that you love and use it as little or as much as you desire.
For instance, purple is often associated with royalty; therefore, it is an enourmously powerful color to use in the Wealth & Prosperity area. If you love purple and it goes with your decor, feel free to lavish the walls...in lavender. Yet, equally as potent are purple flowers -- either fresh or planted.
MIRRORS: Mirrors are considered feng shui "aspirin" -- the bigger, the better. However, there are a few STEADFAST rules for this chi enhancer. When hanging a mirror, ensure that it reflects the entire head of anyone using it. Otherwise, people passing it frequently may feel fractured within areas of their lives. Beveled, tiled, and cloudy/antique mirrors distort images -- in severe cases, this can create psychological issues. In bedrooms, do not use more than 1 mirror. Since they are chi enhancers, mirrors can cause insomnia and/or sleep disturbances.
Mirrors DOUBLE everything they reflect so be mindful of what images you are doubling, and KEEP THEM CLEAN.
LIGHTING: This includes electrical lamps and overhead lights as well as candles, fireplaces, and natural sunlight. Like mirrors..."the brighter, the better" rule applies here, too. Use halogen or incandescent lighting wherever possible. And, if you have any burned out bulbs in your house, REPLACE them. Immediately. Light, in all its forms, creates illumination and brings new life into a space.
Manhattan Upper East Side Family Home Living room - Marie Burgos Design
Photography: Francis Augustine
LIVING THINGS: Think of anything that requires regular maintenance: pets, fresh flowers, plants, and wildlife. If any of these in your home, yard, or office ARE NOT WELL CARED FOR, they will quickly deplete chi. I have a rule about acquiring new plants -- I buy 1 at a time and strive to keep it alive for 3 months before I buy another one. Over the years, I have successfully adopted many new plants into our space. If any die, I remove them quickly and use them as compost. This way, their energy is being recirculated -- and I don't feel guilty about "throwing" them out.
WATER FEATURES: Water represents the flow of money so, if you are like most people, you are thinking, "Where can I find a water fountain today please?" If selected carefully, water features can be pleasing to the ear and eye. Water fountains, both inside and outside, are powerful chi enhancers; however, they, too, require maintenance so use this adjustment with that knowledge. The water must be kept clean -- otherwise, your finances will get dirty. And any pumps used must be working properly -- if they break, you might end up broke. Consider starting with a vase {or 2} of fresh flowers, some goldfish, or a bird bath.
Using water in the Career section will invite new opportunities into your life. Using it in the Wealth & Prosperity area can increase abundance in all areas of your life. Wherever the feature is placed, if the water is moving, be certain it faces toward your home. You don't want to encourage your finances to head out the door, do you?
The most important factor in feng shui is YOU. Your intention, your joy, and your attitude will affect your outcomes. Be patient, try what excites you, and watch these chi enhancers invite a bounty of abundance into your life!All it takes is one good thing...
For more information about designing with Feng Shui, visitwww.marieburgosdedesign.com
Have you tried to apply Feng Shui to your home before? Do you think that you are likely to use my Feng Shui tips for your home in the near future? If so please let me know about it by leaving a comment!