The Do's and Dont's of Desk Placement in your home office
Marie Burgos Design - Executive Office Design NY project
The Dos and Don'ts of Desk Placement in your home office
According to feng shui, the placement of your desk can impact how you feel while working in your office. If possible, follow these dos and don'ts in arranging your desk:
Do place your desk diagonally across from the doorway-this will allow you a clear line of vision.
Do place your desk so that you're sitting with your back to a wall or corner-this will create a sense of security. If you absolutely have to sit with your back to the door, hang a mirror in front of you or angled above your desk so that you can see anyone walking into the room.
Do position your desk facing into the room rather than facing a wall. If you decide to place your desk flat up against a wall, it is best if a window is to your left if you're right-handed, and to your right if you're left-handed.
Don't place your desk so that your back is to the door-this will cause you to be jumpy, easily startled, and distracted because you never know who's behind you or you'll feel like you're being stabbed in the back.
Don't place your desk so that your back is against a full wall of windows-this position may make you feel as though nothing solid is backing you up.
Don't place your desk in the center of the room-you will lose power and authority.
Don't place your desk directly in line with the door, either facing it or with it to your side--you will receive the full force of energy coming into the room and you may feel confused or agitated.
Don't place your desk flat up against a window so that you face directly out. The only situation in which it is good to place your desk against a window, provided no one can look in at you, is if you face due north-considered a prosperous direction-when looking directly out.
Don't position your desk where you feel cramped, confined, have a limited field of vision, or where there is a passageway behind you.
Marie Burgos