Enhance your Relationship with Feng Shui
red hearts
Whether you are looking for Mr or Mrs Right or you already have him or her in your life, Feng Shui – ancient Chinese art – will enhance your special partnership and make your love life sparkle. How does it work? You need to ensure that the energy called Chi, flows freely in your home by placing your furniture and personal objects around you in a specific way. The objective is to create for yourself an environment that reflects the love life you want.
Here are the 9 top tips for Feng Shui in the bedroom:
) Clean up your bedroom
— W
hen your bedroom is cluttered and untidy, the energy in there will be low and slow. Clutter is a sure sign that chi is stuck, so roll up your sleeves and clean the place up if you want to jump-start your love life. Ring a bell, shake a rattle, or clap your hands loudly around the room to clear out old, stale energy.
Position your bed harmoniously
— The rule of thumb for proper bed position is to place it on a solid wall, diagonal from the door, allowing full view of the room and its entry while lying in bed. Avoid placing the bed in line with a doorway, since this can cause feelings of vulnerability and defensiveness. Also avoid alignment with the bathroom door, as this can contribute to feeling drained, tired or having restless sleep pattern.
Add a Solid Headboard to Your Bed
— A headboard represents support, and energetically brings both sides of the bed together, creating harmonious union for partners. If possible, avoid metal headboards since they can be conductive (particularly sensitive people have difficulty resting peacefully on metal-framed beds or near a metal headboard).
Display Romantic Artwork
— No matter where the master bedroom is located in your home, surround yourselves with art that calls forth a feeling of love and romance with each other. Be careful of art that has a single man or single woman pictured in it, or one that has three or more people in it. Relationships are challenging enough between two people; bringing a third party into your bedroom, even in art, is just not supportive to a couple
Think pink, peach, Red and white
— Pink and white are the colors of relationship.
You can use them for your bed sheets, your undergarments, pillows, accents. Peach is the color of new love. If you want to attract a new partner, use peach in your bedroom.
Red represents hot passion. His power is unlimited.
6) Remove old relationship energy
Go through your home--especially your bedroom--and remove anything that reminds you of past failed relationships; this could be an ex-boyfriend's old sweater you find in the closet, photographs of you with a previous partner, a gift that reminds you (unfavorably) of a giver with whom you are no longer in love--anything that reminds you of a love that went bad. No matter how incurable a romantic you may be, do NOT keep old love letters anywhere in your bedroom unless they are from someone with whom you are still blissfully paired up.
Get things in pairs
— Set up a nightstand on both sides of your bed, to accommodate the needs of your partner. Include lamps (so that he or she can read romantic poetry to you at night!). And get things in pairs: pillows, candles…
8) Open the door to love
Make sure both the front door of your home and the door to your bedroom open easily and completely. Doors that stick, squeak, or that only opens partway because of all the stuff stored behind them are blocking the flow of romantic energy and opportunity into your home. A loose doorknob on your bedroom door could mean you're having a hard time "getting a handle on" romance; get out your screwdriver and tighten it up.
9) Clarify your intention
Make a collage of images that symbolize your perfect relationship, and place it where you will see it every day. Compose a list of the qualities of your ideal soul mate on a red page and place it in the love area of your bedroom (right hand far corner from the door).
If you are already in a relationship, invite your partner to make collage with you, to represent your intention to build a joyful and loving future together.
Now that you have all the tools, let’s Feng Shui your bedroom and enjoy the Love!
To learn more about how Feng Shui can impact positively all the areas of your life, find out about your Feng Shui profile or participate to our workshops. Visit our website
Marie Burgos
Feng Shui Expert