Remove Blockages with Feng Shui
Remove Blockages with Feng Shui
Instead of having your energy blocked, focus on absorbing high feng shui energy from inspiring images, colors and various feng shui decor items
In Feng Shui, the right location of walls can promote a good flow of energy and enhance the positive feelings in a home. A challenging wall location will do the opposite - it can block, or completely stop the flow of energy, thus creating a stagnant space where not much good is happening.
There are several walls that can create potential feng shui challenges in your home and in your office. We will look at them one by one. As with most walls, you would most probably want to make them disappear, especially if they are too close to your body.
Now, how do you make a wall disappear without actually tearing it down? You make it a carry, or represent, a specific quality of energy. A quality of energy you need, want or crave for. It is also important to be sure that the art or images you bring will work for the Bagua area the wall is located in.
Let's look at some potentially challenging feng shui walls.
1.The first important feng shui wall is the wall you see before you go to sleep and as soon as you wake up.
Everything in your bedroom is closely connected to your energy field, especially the items, images and colors on the wall facing your bed
Focus on having your bedroom reflect a quality of energy that is most in line with your dreams, your character and your personality. Be mindful of the fact that some images and elements are bad Feng Shui for the bedroom.
This applies to images of water, big mirrors facing the bed, as well as images inappropriate for a bedroom, such as violent, sad or depressing images.
2.Second in its feng shui importance is the wall you see as soon as you enter your home or your business space.
If you face a wall first thing you come into your business or into your home, by all means focus on making it carry beautiful, high quality of energy. You can do that with art, or even better, a big wall mirror, a row of lush tall plants, vibrant wall paint or all of the above.
Be mindful not to hang a big mirror facing your front door, as a mirror facing the door (especially the front door) will push Chi, or energy, away, thus is considered bad feng shui.
3.Third is the wall you face while working at your desk.
If you are facing a wall in your workspace all day long, your personal energy is restricted and blocked. Here is what you can do when you have to face a blocking wall for several hours a day: hang good art or photos of places that inspire you, of people that helped you grow or people you admire, hang your diplomas and certifications, etc.
You get the idea. The purpose is to transform a blocking wall into an inspiration wall. Instead of having your energy blocked, now you will be absorbing high energy coming from inspiring to you items.
Get creative and get empowered in your living or working space; the good energy is spreading around very quickly and you will see yourself reaping the benefits in no time!
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