Feng Shui Money Tips: Count your Blessings like Gold!


Count your Blessings like gold. 

Take a few moments every evening to think about all the good things that happened to you today and to express your gratitude for what you have received. Small things count, too, it doesn’t all have to be spectacular. It's not what happened that's important; it's getting in the habit of focusing on the positive side of things every day that matters.

The more you notice, appreciate, and express gratitude for blessings received, no matter how small, the more good things will come your way, including money. 

A true experience of prosperity is determined not by how much money you have, but by how well you notice and enjoy what is already present in your life. As you de-clutter, repair, and accessorize your wealth area keep in mind your final intentions and be positive about the path that you are taking to bring abundance in your life.  You will start by celebrating being rich in friends and family, rich with good moments, rich with ideas then material blessings will come to you as well.