My Favorite Wing Chairs!

A wing chair is a tall-backed, heavily upholstered easy chair with armrests and large "wings", or "lugs", mounted to the armrests and enclosing the head or torso areas of the body to protect against drafts. They first appeared in the late 17th century—when the wings were sometimes known as “cheeks”—and they have maintained their popularity through a series of revivals ever since. Often they form part of a set, or suite.

Now days, they still have the wings but they come in all shapes, sizes, materials and looks.

Which one is your favorite?

Michael Malmborg's WING Chair

Michael Malmborg's WING Chair

McCartney chair by John Charles Designs

McCartney chair by

John Charles Designs

Seth Stevens - Mr. Wing Chair

Seth Stevens - Mr. Wing Chair

The Regina Chair by Paolo Rizzatto

The Regina Chair by Paolo Rizzatto- Source Patricia Gray

Wing Chair by George Smith- Tom Dixxon

Wing Chair by George Smith-

Tom Dixxon

Cuddle Wing Chair by Vincente Wolf

Cuddle Wing Chair by

Vincente Wolf

Anderson Wing Chair- William- Sonoma

Anderson Wing Chair-

William- Sonoma

Egg Chair by DWR

Egg Chair by


Gabriel Chair- Oly studio

Gabriel Chair-

Oly studio

CH445 WingChair- Suite NY

CH445 WingChair-

Suite NY

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Which one of these wing chair is your favorite and why? Let me know about it by leaving a comment! Thanks.