Living a Colorful Life

We have each experienced a moment in our lives where color made us feel - whether we walked into a room and instantly felt happier, inspired or motivated, color is a powerful interior design tool to evoke emotion, to create a mood, and to bring our rooms to life. 

The psychology of color has been studied for many years and whether it is through paint colors on the wall, or through accented pieces in the room, color has the ability to affect our moods and impact our behaviors.

For example, the color red is an exciting addition to any room as it sparks conversation and draws people in to gather, however, it is also known to raise blood pressure and speed heart rate so it is not suggested for a bedroom color or accent, as is the tranquil, calming color of blue - also a top suggested color for a living room space to help all to feel more relaxed. An example of this type of design can be seen in the Marie Burgos Design below.

a room with a couch and chess board

The color green is a surprising neutral accent to the traditional colors of brown, black and grey, as green is considered the most restful color to the eye and can be incorporated into any room in your home. Yellow as you can imagine instantly brings a brighter, more cheerful feeling, however, it is also known to bring out a tendency to argue and is never recommended for children, as it has been studied to cause babies to cry more often! One of the most sophisticated and daring colors to welcome into your room is the color of purple. Seen as regal and chic, the color purple instantly brings elegance and a rich feel into your home as featured in another Marie Burgos Design below.

a living room with purple couches and a table

No matter what room in your home you are designing, choose colors that just make you feel good. Go with what you are naturally drawn to and never be afraid to add color and express yourself!

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