How to Feng Shui a Dining Room


Anyone who explores the ancient Chinese art of feng shui is looking for ways to enhance life with good energy. Feng shui offers dining room tips that will inspire healthy eating and digestion. Even utilizing just a few feng shui suggestions can make your dining experience so much more pleasant. Start simple.

1- Eat in your dining room whenever you can. Instead of standing over the sink or in a crowded corner of the kitchen, enjoy the beauty and surroundings you've created in the dining room.

2- Choose comfortable chairs when purchasing a dining room set. Sit in the chairs in the store. If you have uncomfortable chairs, replace the cushions.

3- Repair any loose legs or protruding nails on the tables and chairs. Pad or cushion sharp edges on a table. When decorating, make sure the table and chairs fit together well. Think about a tablecloth to cover needed padding.

4- Define the area with screens or plants. Use the screens to cordon off your view of other rooms. Decorate the dining room separately from adjoining rooms to give it an identity of its own, one that will bring good digestion, conversation and intimacy into your life.

5- Use only the space you need when eating. Feng shui dictates that two people should not eat at opposite ends of a long table, but rather sit close at one end and decorate the rest of the table with treasures like fresh flowers, candles and other decorating items.

6- Make the outside part of the dining room's art. If you can, locate your dining room overlooking a garden or relaxing scene you can view from the dining room window. If the view outside the dining room is bland or unattractive, cover it with drapes in relaxed, muted colors.

7- Pipe in soft music to accompany your meal.

8- Avoid displaying time reminders such as calenders and clocks as they put pressure on people having dinner in the space.

9- Display a mirror on the wall over the buffet or sideboard, reflecting the table. They  double the food on the table, symbolizing wealth and abundance for the household. Mirrors are excellent energy expanders. They enhance the healthy chi energy produced by the food.

10- Use warm rather than cool colors for your dining room décor. Shades of red, orange, burgundy, yellow, brown and cream are more conducive to the nourishing and enjoyable experience of eating than are cool shades of grey, blue and green.

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