The year is starting and so many times we forget to pay attention to the importance of our space.
2017 best resolutions should definitely start by taking care of your home - By clutter clearing! Clutter has the ability to affect the flow of Qi. And can profoundly impact on your mental and physical in so many ways: Stress, difficulties to focus and process information, difficulty to relax, waste of time and money. By definition in Feng Shui: when harmony is achieved, your mental and physical health will improve and thus, your life will improve.
Here are some tips that are easy to apply:
Credit: http://nakirlu.blogg.se/2012/february/
1. Sort things into categorY bags: toss, recycle, donate, give to friendS, put in deep storage.
2. Do not keep bags for charity or boxes for friends in your home to deliver later. Do it now. Finish the process.
3. Clear out anything you don’t like anymore.
4. Clear out anything that is broken that can’t be quickly fixed or that is not worth fixing.
5. Clear source of irritation. Ex: (Wires). If they can be bundled or hidden. A trash can that is too small for the needs of a space is an irritant when it is constantly full and overflowing.
6. Clear out items that immediately remind you of a painful relationship, event or time in your life.
7. Clear out items that are used less than once a year.
8. Clean out first, assessing what containers you really need, and then buy a few bins to start. You don't want a bunch of empty containers cluttering up your home while you figure out where you might use them.
Wishing you to find harmony in the space you cherish the most: Your Home! Happy New Year!
By Anaïs Gibaud