The Best Room in the House

Your home should be your sanctuary. It should consistently be your safe place to rest, to recharge, to create memories that are only yours, and to share your most special moments with those you love the most. And in every home, there always seems to be one room that stands out among the rest that family and friends gather in often, or naturally gravitate towards in the same way that you do.

We believe that every room should eventually reach this level of interest, but we challenge you to look at your home and to identify which room you spend the most time in currently. What about that room makes you feel comfortable, safe, happy?  

Is it the color, the smell, the furniture, the location or positioning of the room within your home? Whatever it is that draws you to it the most, take that and amplify its best qualities, and improve those that may need a boost.

Taking a look at this example of a room re-imagined by Marie Burgos Design, you are instantly taken with the larger, comfortable furniture, the rich, calming coastal blue tones, the happiness of the yellow accent colors and floral touches, and the warm, natural lighting. Even tiny elements such as the water bowl on the coffee table, accent pillows and special personal touches each create a feeling that makes you want to be in and stay within this room environment, and instantly lifts your mood.

Find those elements that speak the most to you, research your favorite colors and how they can affect how you feel, purchase items that you are instantly drawn to and keep rooms free of clutter to allow you to truly disconnect from our stressful world, relax and enjoy.

Your home is your best reflection of you – make it everything you dream it to be! If you need more information about Marie Burgos Design, please contact us at: We would love to help you!

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