Celebrities' closets and dressing rooms: how fabulous!

My dream dressing room!
Take a look at these celebrities' dressing rooms and closets!

We lust after the enormous and elegant dressing room complex Mario Buatta designed for Mariah Carey. What you see here is just a tiny part of it. Lucky her!

Thanks to Belle Maison for introducing me to the work of Ron Norsworthy. She shared Tyra Banks' gorgeous office and dressing room on her post at Bloomacious.... Isn't it really chic!!

Lots of pink and a dramatic style! Doesn't this little boy look lost?

Check out Eva Longoria' classy closet. It follows a classic design: beautiful mahogany cabinetry and elegant moldings.

Classy "old world" look for the dressing room of this young lady.

I am amazed by the number of sunglasses! Do you think Paula has a favorite one?

Fergie's dressing room is all about comfort with all this luxurious fur...

The beautiful fashion designer Kimmora Lee is in the shoe section of her huge dressing room. Love that leopard rug!!

With the success of Disney’s Hannah Montana, 15 year old teen star Miley Cyrus and her family moved to Los Angeles in August of 2007. This is just her closet....

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