Feng Shui Basics: The 5 natural elements







Feng Shui is based on nature. The original buddhist monks who created the amazing philosophy of Feng Shui did a study of environment, spaces and nature and their impact on people.

When applying Feng Shui to your home, you are actually bringing in the forces of nature and integrating that nature in your space as a support for your life.

The Chines believes that we are surrounded by 5 natural elements. Those are water, wood, fire, earth and metal.

The elements are linked to the core energy of your home and to the Bagua energy map which defines the purpose of each area of your home.

All those elements have to be present in your environment to create balance and harmony. They can be represented by a color, a shape or the element itself.

The relationships between these elements, their direction, their location and the bagua are central to Feng Shui practice.

As a Feng Shui expert, I would assess the presence of the elements into your space, study their place and analyze their impact on your space and life. This will be my duty to map out your space and integrate the 5 natural elements a the right places using my knowledge of the bagua and the yin and yang aspects.

 For more information, visit www.manobluedesign.com or email marie@manobluedesign.com to book a consultation.