"Green with Envy" interior design!
The color green is timeless. Green is life. It is a color that most people don’t mind, which makes sense, because green is a very dominant color in nature. Green is a refreshing color. It signifies growth, renewal, health, and environment.
Most people associate spring and the refreshing optimistic feelings they have when thinking about spring, with the color green. This is a color that can be used almost anywhere in your home, so indoors and also outdoors.
When used with white green looks very refreshing and spring like.
It is the Feng Shui color of renewal, fresh energy and new beginnings.
Green is very nourishing to your health it calms your nerves and balances your whole body by bringing healing vibrations from Nature. When working with Green in feng shui, it is important to have at least several different shades in order to maximize its energy effects. So you might bring Green of different shades in a room on the walls, but also with big pieces of furniture or simply with accessories.
A great way to bring the color Green in feng shui is with actual plants that have lush green foliage.
From fresh spring color of the newly opened leaves to the strong Green of a oak tree - there are literally hundreds of greens to choose from in your Feng Shui applications.
Talking about health, Green is the color that helps with digestion. This is a great color to paint your kitchen and bring a nourishing wood element in your space.
Here some fabulous examples of todays interior designers:
Amanda Nisbet
Toby Fairley