Using Feng Shui Cures in your home office for success




Placement of objects in a particular area or quadrant of your office or desk can enhance the energy to various aspects of your life. To understand where the various quadrants of your desk are, consider where you sit as the front of the desk. For example, as you sit facing your desk, the wealth quadrant would be the upper left corner. Here's a few cures for your office:

Get rid of clutter in your home or office. Eliminating clutter will begin to clear away certain problems in your life and make room for something new and desirable to enter.

The wealth quadrant or upper left corner is the most important part of your home office or desk. Place a crystal bowl or a healthy plant in this area to enrich this area of your business.

A red object such as red flowers placed in the upper left corner of your office or desk can bring financial success-placed in the back center portion of your office or desk can bring fame.

Place a medium-sized rug in the center of your office. A deep blue, black, or other dark color rug in the middle of the office is like a deep pool of water upon which to rest the eyes and reflect.

If you don't have a view outside from where you sit, hang a plant or a picture of a plant in your line of view to bring the outdoors inside for a calming effect.

Never place anything blue in the fame quadrant or back center portion of your office or desk--you will be drowning your fame.

It takes money to make money, so pay attention to the quality of things you put into your office. You should only have objects that are truly meaningful to you in your home office.

Though a complex science and art, many of the principles of feng shui are common sense and based on intuition. When incorporating these principles into your home office, aim for simplicity, think creatively, and trust your intuition. Imagine being drawn to your office because you feel comfortable and relaxed. This results in a flow of creative energy which leads to an increase in productivity which ultimately leads to success and prosperity.


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