What does it takes to be a Donald Trump business?

 The answer is...Feng Shui! Since you are a business oriented person, you might be thinking:”Oh great, here it comes another fad that sounds too good to be true.” Well, the fact is, you do not have to believe in Feng Shui for it to work. Whether you believe in the law of gravity or not, it exists, and it affects everything you do. As Donald Trump says: “ I don’t have to believe in Feng Shui but I use it because it makes me money”
 It is no surprise that famous people like Trump, Tiger, Oprah, and Spielberg, along with the largest companies of the world such as Coca- Cola, Sony, Shell, Procter & Gamble, Citibanks and others, “actively” embrace Feng Shui. These companies and people practice Feng Shui principles as a way to add value to their service, increase their profitability, create harmonious relations among employees, and to reduce employee turnover. Not only that, Feng Shui differentiates them from their competitors while multiplying their earnings and free time.  
 Feng Shui is not a fad, nor a religion or superstition. Feng Shui is an art and science that unites ENERGY... time, space, people and the environment as one integral entity. Consciously arranging your office and furniture to create a healthy, peaceful and dynamic flow of energy relaxes the nervous system, inspires the mind and calms the emotions. In business, this equates to higher productivity, improved health, better relations, and more prosperity and financial fortune.
 Want to boost your carer with Feng Shui? Here are some easy to follow office tips:  
 Make a vision board with images and words that inspire you to reach your goals. Add a mentor. Describe your ideal job on a red paper. Be detailed.  
 Make space for opportunities: De-cluttering will clarify your space as well as your mind. It will decrease stress, improve focus, efficiency and your end results.
picture-1.pngSit in the Command position
 Be in control of your space and life. Seat where you can see the entrance door and have control over the whole room. Add a mirror if the lay out does not  allow it.
 Be Color coded
 Use Yin & Yang colors in function of your needs. Dress with black for power. Dress in blue for communication flow. Dress with red for motivation and energy.
 Use the Water element

Have a water feature or art work illustrating water at the entrance or in the prosperity area of your office to bring new opportunities. 

Feng Shui means BUSINESS!


Marie Burgos, Feng Shui Expert and Interior Designer marie@manobluedesign.com www.manobluedesign.com